
in package
implements KeyValueStore

In addition to buffering cache data in memory (see BufferedStore), this class will add transactional capabilities. Writes can be deferred by starting a transaction & all of them will only go out when you commit them.

This makes it possible to defer cache updates until we can guarantee it's safe (e.g. until we successfully committed everything to persistent storage).

There will be some trickery to make sure that, after we've made changes to cache (but not yet committed), we don't read from the real cache anymore, but instead serve the in-memory equivalent that we'll be writing to real cache when all goes well.

If a commit fails, all keys affected will be deleted to ensure no corrupt data stays behind.


Matthias Mullie [email protected]


Copyright (c) 2014, Matthias Mullie. All rights reserved.


MIT License

Table of Contents


Interface for key-value storage engines.


__construct()  : mixed
__destruct()  : mixed
Roll back uncommitted transactions.
add()  : bool
Adds an item under new key.
begin()  : mixed
Initiate a transaction: this will defer all writes to real cache until commit() is called.
cas()  : bool
Replaces an item in 1 atomic operation, to ensure it didn't change since it was originally read, when the CAS token was issued.
commit()  : bool
Commits all deferred updates to real cache.
decrement()  : int|bool
Decrements a counter value, or sets an initial value if it does not yet exist.
delete()  : bool
Deletes an item from the cache.
deleteMulti()  : array<string|int, bool>
Deletes multiple items at once (reduced network traffic compared to individual operations).
flush()  : bool
Clears the entire cache.
get()  : mixed|bool
Retrieves an item from the cache.
getMulti()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves multiple items at once.
increment()  : int|bool
Increments a counter value, or sets an initial value if it does not yet exist.
replace()  : bool
Replaces an item.
rollback()  : bool
Roll back all scheduled changes.
set()  : bool
Stores a value, regardless of whether or not the key already exists (in which case it will overwrite the existing value for that key).
setMulti()  : array<string|int, bool>
Store multiple values at once.
touch()  : bool
Updates an item's expiration time without altering the stored value.



Adds an item under new key.

public add(mixed $key, mixed $value[, mixed $expire = 0 ]) : bool
$key : mixed
$value : mixed
$expire : mixed = 0

Time when item falls out of the cache: 0 = permanent (doesn't expires); under 2592000 (30 days) = relative time, in seconds from now; over 2592000 = absolute time, unix timestamp

Return values


Initiate a transaction: this will defer all writes to real cache until commit() is called.

public begin() : mixed


Replaces an item in 1 atomic operation, to ensure it didn't change since it was originally read, when the CAS token was issued.

public cas(mixed $token, mixed $key, mixed $value[, mixed $expire = 0 ]) : bool
$token : mixed

Token received from get() or getMulti()

$key : mixed
$value : mixed
$expire : mixed = 0

Time when item falls out of the cache: 0 = permanent (doesn't expires); under 2592000 (30 days) = relative time, in seconds from now; over 2592000 = absolute time, unix timestamp

Return values


Commits all deferred updates to real cache.

public commit() : bool

If the any write fails, all subsequent writes will be aborted & all keys that had already been written to will be deleted.

Return values


Decrements a counter value, or sets an initial value if it does not yet exist.

public decrement(mixed $key[, mixed $offset = 1 ][, mixed $initial = 0 ][, mixed $expire = 0 ]) : int|bool
$key : mixed
$offset : mixed = 1

Value to decrement with

$initial : mixed = 0

Initial value (if item doesn't yet exist)

$expire : mixed = 0

Time when item falls out of the cache: 0 = permanent (doesn't expires); under 2592000 (30 days) = relative time, in seconds from now; over 2592000 = absolute time, unix timestamp

Return values

New value or false on failure


Deletes an item from the cache.

public delete(mixed $key) : bool
$key : mixed
Return values


Deletes multiple items at once (reduced network traffic compared to individual operations).

public deleteMulti(array<string|int, mixed> $keys) : array<string|int, bool>
$keys : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, bool>


Retrieves an item from the cache.

public get(mixed $key[, mixed &$token = null ]) : mixed|bool
$key : mixed
$token : mixed = null

Will be filled with the CAS token

Return values

Value, or false on failure


Retrieves multiple items at once.

public getMulti(array<string|int, mixed> $keys[, array<string|int, mixed> &$tokens = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$keys : array<string|int, mixed>
$tokens : array<string|int, mixed> = null

Will be filled with the CAS tokens, in [key => token] format

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

[key => value]


Increments a counter value, or sets an initial value if it does not yet exist.

public increment(mixed $key[, mixed $offset = 1 ][, mixed $initial = 0 ][, mixed $expire = 0 ]) : int|bool
$key : mixed
$offset : mixed = 1

Value to increment with

$initial : mixed = 0

Initial value (if item doesn't yet exist)

$expire : mixed = 0

Time when item falls out of the cache: 0 = permanent (doesn't expires); under 2592000 (30 days) = relative time, in seconds from now; over 2592000 = absolute time, unix timestamp

Return values

New value or false on failure


Replaces an item.

public replace(mixed $key, mixed $value[, mixed $expire = 0 ]) : bool
$key : mixed
$value : mixed
$expire : mixed = 0

Time when item falls out of the cache: 0 = permanent (doesn't expires); under 2592000 (30 days) = relative time, in seconds from now; over 2592000 = absolute time, unix timestamp

Return values


Stores a value, regardless of whether or not the key already exists (in which case it will overwrite the existing value for that key).

public set(mixed $key, mixed $value[, mixed $expire = 0 ]) : bool
$key : mixed
$value : mixed
$expire : mixed = 0

Time when item falls out of the cache: 0 = permanent (doesn't expires); under 2592000 (30 days) = relative time, in seconds from now; over 2592000 = absolute time, unix timestamp

Return values


Store multiple values at once.

public setMulti(array<string|int, mixed> $items[, mixed $expire = 0 ]) : array<string|int, bool>
$items : array<string|int, mixed>

[key => value]

$expire : mixed = 0

Time when item falls out of the cache: 0 = permanent (doesn't expires); under 2592000 (30 days) = relative time, in seconds from now; over 2592000 = absolute time, unix timestamp

Return values
array<string|int, bool>


Updates an item's expiration time without altering the stored value.

public touch(mixed $key, mixed $expire) : bool
$key : mixed
$expire : mixed

Time when item falls out of the cache: 0 = permanent (doesn't expires); under 2592000 (30 days) = relative time, in seconds from now; over 2592000 = absolute time, unix timestamp

Return values

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